Specularia at ERF 2019
Members of LARICS went to Bucharest, Romania, on 19 to 24 March, to take part in the European Robotics Forum 2019 to represent the robotics@fer.hr brand, which includes three robotics laboratories from the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing: LARICS, LABUST and LAMOR. There they took part in lectures and workshops, presented their work and some of the laboratories’ robots and brought our work closer to the public and the robotics community. Specularia was one of the projects featured in the Agricultural Robotics Workshop.
Asst. prof. Matko Orsag held lectures in two workshops: the first one was an Aerial Robotics Workshop where he presented the newest research results in the field of aerial robotics. The second workshop was Agricultural Robotics Workshop, where Matko presented the Specularia project. He talked applying technology available in the market for indoor farming which offers structured environments, specifically by deploying a heterogeneous team of robots to work together to complete certain asks. He also explained the team’s plans for future projects, where they will apply similar solutions for vineyards and even in mariculture in fish farms.
You can see some photos from the event by following this link.